Mailbox Monday

I’ve decided to join the Mailbox Monday book blog meme today, brought to you by Leslie @ Under My Apple Tree.

Today was a good day for me, not so much for my poor postman.

I can say that my mini-me now has her own set of Harry Potter books! [Bahaha like I would give her mine!]

I would include a picture of her set, but, I’m tired and the books are like two rooms over, so, too much work! I will tell you they are all the celebratory editions so they all match and it makes me quite happy to say so lol.

If you’re curious they look like this:

^ Picture is from Brotastico on Ebay lol

Then, of course, I got something for myself! I present to you my newest book additions:[mind you I bought these before I went crazy at the charity shop!]

I got a great deal on those used, but they look brand new! This does mean that I’ll have to wait until Rebel is on paperback before I buy it, you know if I love the series but I feel like I will, if I don’t love it I’ll probably donate it.

This week I’ll be finishing Book of Dust; Belle SauvageΒ and Serving the Servant,Β so I’ll have at least one review if not two this week along with a February Wrap-up and February Book Haul post!

What book mail did you all get? I totally want to know, so please drop a link or tell me in the comments.

16 responses to “Mailbox Monday”

  1. Fun on your mini me having her own copies. πŸ™‚

    ENJOY your week!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! You too, thanks for the comment as well!


  2. I’m hoping to get my cool bookmarks soon. I pledged into a Kickstarter for horror movie themed bookmarks so I am excited to get them.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Awww yay for mini-you having her own HP set now, and heck no would I not be sharing mine, progeny or not!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly! She can go read and cry all over her own Deathly Hallows damn it!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Everyone NEEDS there own set of Harry Potter books!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. That looks like a great set of Harry Potter books.
    Sorry the pic of your book additions isn’t loading so I can’t tell the books you got.
    Happy Reading to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No apologies needed, it does that sometimes for me, I have no idea what I’ve done to it lol but thanks! I hope my mini-me enjoys them! πŸ™‚


  6. Ahh yay, everyone need their own HP set! (And I wouldn’t have gotten the books from the other room πŸ˜€ way too much effort!) I’m still debating what HP set I want. I only have them in German so far and I want an English set as well. but which one?? There are so many beautiful ones.
    I just got two books today, too. The Heartforger and The Reluctant Queen and I’m so hyped for both!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hmm so far I really like the House color ones coming out, they have 1 &2 now, and the third is released this summer, but, I also think the ones that when aligned show the castle are super pretty as well! Funnily enough I own a German Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Idk how I got it lol


  7. Veronica The Burgeoning Bookshelf Avatar
    Veronica The Burgeoning Bookshelf

    My daughter is a huge Harry Potter fan. Her well read set is mismatched and I’m sure she would love a matched set although she would probably keep reading her old ones.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I would be like her, want to keep the old but wouldn’t hurt to have a matched one. The ones I got my daughter may all be the same edition but they are in various stages of second hand lol, but I figure if she doesn’t like it, well, at least it’s not a set I bought new!


      1. Veronica The Burgeoning Bookshelf Avatar
        Veronica The Burgeoning Bookshelf

        I know I’m going to have to read them myself one day. I just keep putting it off because i didn’t like the movie. but books are always better than movies.


  8. I firmly believe that every child deserves their own set of the Harry Potter books (matching is a bonus, though if you’re getting them new at this point you might as well spring for it 😜), so my heart is warmed by Exhibit 43190823109 of you being an Awesome Parent πŸ’•

    I don’t usually get bookish mail, but I actually won a Goodreads giveaway not too long ago and got Small Town Hearts by Lillie Vale in the mail! it’s a terrifically cute summer romance (with lots of baking and picnic scenes!!), 10/10 would recommend πŸ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, thank you! And that’s awesome! I know how much you like it, that’s perfect that it was a giveaway win! Congrats on that btw, and you make it sound so adorable

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